Sunshine Coast – Craft Beer Capital
With 20 breweries now located on the coast, it really begs to ask the question – are we the Craft Beer Capital of Australia? Based on breweries per-capita we have must surely have that one covered?
But what about based on awards and accolades I hear you ask? Well it might interest you to know that our breweries have recently been recipients of national and state awards for their beer, and not only that, Moffat Beach Brewing Co has been named Champion Independent Small Brewery of Australia twice in the last 3 years!
Add the recent success in the GABS Hottest 100 beers voting, and you will note Your Mates Brewing scoring the 4th most popular beer in the country with their tropical pale ale ‘Larry’. They also scored another 3 in the top 100, along with 10 Toes Brewing and Heads of Noosa also scoring well.
Ok, so awards don’t impress you? How about experience then? The two brewers at Eumundi Brewery, Chris Sheehan and Allan Tilden have over 30 years brewing experience between them (that makes them sound ancient but in actual fact they are in their 40’s and 30’s respectively) Having such experienced brewers based here has been a huge help and support to all of the other breweries on the Sunshine Coast.
Also worth noting is that later this year Twin Waters on the Sunshine Coast will play host to BrewCon, and with it the brewing royalty from across the nation. BrewCon is the Australian Brewing Industry’s keystone event and is growing to be an education and trade event of international significance.
Have I convinced you yet?
Whether you like beer or not, what we have here on the Sunshine Coast is a thriving industry that provides many local jobs, and also brings visitors and tourism dollars to our region. It has even sparked a successful tour business that focuses purely on brewery tours in Noosa and the Sunshine Coast It is something we should recognise and support as it really is putting the Sunshine Coast on the map for a host of reasons. I’m just making the call now, the Sunshine Coast IS the Craft Beer Capital of Australia
Support local business, drink local beer